Missing May Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I never saw two people love each other so much. Sometimes the tears would just come over me, looking at the two of them, even six years back when I first got here and was too young to be thinking about love. (1.2)

She may be a six-year-old who's been abandoned and passed along to other people her whole life, but Summer knows true love when she sees it. It's the kind of stuff that Shakespearean plays and One Direction songs are made of.

Quote #2

Before she died, I know my mother must have loved to comb my shiny hair and rub that Johnson's baby lotion up and down my arms [...] She must have known she wasn't going to live and she must have held me longer than any other mother might, so I'd have enough love in me to know what love was when I saw it or felt it again. (1.3)

Love really sticks with you, like a bad sunburn or rash, and even if she can't remember her mom, Summer still feels the presence of her love. Maybe she'll keep feeling May's love even long after she's gone, too?

Quote #3

She was a big barrel of nothing but love, and while Ob and me were off in our dreamy heads, May was here in this trailer seeing to it there was a good home for us when we were ready to land. (2.39)

We've heard of barrels of monkeys, but not barrels of love. Aunt May sounds like a completely awesome person to live with, doesn't she? She seems completely willing to let Summer and Uncle Ob be themselves without judgment.