Courage Quotes in Mockingjay

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Anyway, it's not like an actual Games. Any number of people will survive. We're just overreacting because – well, you know why. You still want to go, don't you?"

"Of course. I want to destroy Snow as much as you do," he says.

"It won't be like the others," I say firmly, trying to convince myself as well. Then the real beauty of the situation dawns on me. "This time Snow will be a player, too." (18.26-28)

It takes a special kind of courage to enter into a version of the Games for a third time. Most folks are too terrified to even make it through one. Katniss and Finnick have already had to endure two, and it's a miracle they both made it through those alive. Here, it's hard to know whether Katniss is really "convinced" by her rhetoric or not. More people might survive, but more people will probably die, too.

Quote #5

I kneel beside Boggs, prepared to repeat the role I played with Rue, with the morphling from 6, giving him someone to hold on to as he's released from life. But Boggs has both hands working the Holo. He's typing in a command […] A green shaft of light bursts out of the Holo and illuminates his face. (20.6)

Boggs has just had both legs destroyed in a bomb. He's dying, and in a terrible way. Yet he still clings to life to accomplish one final task as a soldier and serve his cause by giving control of the Holo to Katniss. If he doesn't do so, it will be unusable. The fact that Boggs can put aside the incredible pain and terror of dying to focus on his duty shows just how courageous he is.

Quote #6

"No," he says. "Don't [take off the handcuffs]. They help hold me together."

"You might need your hands," says Gale.

"When I feel myself slipping, I dig my wrists into them, and the pain helps me focus," says Peeta. (23.9-11)

Peeta shows courage here through his willingness to remain restrained. He doesn't want to be released because he doesn't trust himself. Yet, if he were released, he'd be better able to defend himself in the event of another attack – which could occur at any time. The fact that he's willing to risk that, to give up that self-defense, shows his bravery.