Mother Night Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

'Memoirs of a Monogamous Casanova is a curious little chapter in Russian history,' said Wirtanen. 'It could hardly be published with official approval in Russia—and yet, it was such an attractive, strangely moral piece of pornography, so ideal for a nation suffering from shortages of everything but men and women, that presses in Budapest were somehow encouraged to start printing it—and those presses have, somehow, never been ordered to stop.' Wirtanen winked at me. (35.43)

Campbell's porno is a hit. Nobody knows it's his, because it was stolen and published in Russia, but it's still a hit. Plus, it's perfect state-sanctioned pornography, since all the sex that's fit to print is between a husband and a wife. Well, isn't that convenient? Spiciness level: mild.