My Life in Dog Years Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Though I ran sled dogs for close to ten years, did some twenty-two thousand miles with them, this book is not about sled dogs or running them. (1.1)

This is the first line of the book. It establishes Paulsen as an expert on both the outdoors and dogs.

Quote #2

I had gotten ahead of Snowball when she stopped to examine a pile of buffalo droppings. As always, I was barefoot…. (2.37)

Paulsen first established his love of outdoor adventure in the Philippines, with Snowball. Here's a handy tip from Shmoop's Outdoors Department: wherever there are buffalo droppings, there should be shoes.

Quote #3

When I was twelve, living in a small town named Twin Forks in northern Minnesota, an uncle gave me a Remington .22 rifle he'd bought at a hardware store for ten dollars. I ran to the woods. (3.2)

Though Paulsen doesn't write about it much, we know that he had a rough time with his alcoholic parents at home. Going into the woods was a form of escape.