My Life in Dog Years Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The Philippines had been ravaged by the war and much of the islands was still in ruins. […] It was impossible to walk anywhere without stepping on empty cartridge cases or seeing some part of an exploded shell or mine. (2.25)

Paulsen talks about violence in the worlds of both humans and wild animals.

Quote #2

It is not somehow "politically correct" to hunt, and that is a shame for young boys. (3.3)

What do you think? Is it okay to hunt animals? (What about if you're a—gasp—girl?) Why do you think Paulsen feels that it's a shame to keep kids from learning to hunt? What had it taught him that he thinks is important?

Quote #3

"I lived up in Twin Forks when I was young and was drafted to serve in the Korean War. […] I got wounded and lost the use of my legs." (3.57)

Human-on-human violence is a subtle theme in a few of the book's early chapters, which talk about World War II and the Korean War. Here's a soldier who was very, very seriously injured.