My Life in Dog Years Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

I lived and breathed to hunt, to fish. (3.3)

Living in the basement wasn't much of a life. To Paulsen, hunting was life. Literally, at some points—his parents were too busy being drunk to buy food for him, so he lived on what he caught or shot.

Quote #5

The maples were red gold and filtered the sunlight so that you could almost taste the richness of the light, and before long I added a surplus army blanket, rolled up over the pack, and I would spend the nights out as well. (3.5)

In this beautiful description, Paulsen's love of nature couldn't be more clear.

Quote #6

It was not loud but it was perfect—an exact woof […]. It was so pointed, so decisive and focused, I knew exactly what he wanted. […] "The dog," I said, "is ready to eat." (6.33, 6.35)

Paulsen is really in tune with the animals around him. It's almost like he speaks their language.