My Life in Dog Years Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The next night Rex would catch the skunk trying to get to the chickens again and kill it in a battle that left the mauled body of the skunk by the granary…. (5.19)

Part of a farm dog's job is to protect the other animals from predators. Sounds like Rex here did a pretty good job. Nature is violent and messy, no doubt about it.

Quote #8

He was on his feet at once, his hair up, his teeth bared. There was no doubt who his enemy was. The wire. He shook his head, dug his feet in and lunged, grabbing at the thing with an iron-jawed death grip. (7.35)

Not all of the violence in the book is heavy. This funny story pitted Fred the dog against his foe, the electric fence. That is one tough dog.

Quote #9

It kept coming and was clearly going to attack, was attacking, when Quincy went for the bear like a fur-covered bullet. (8.39)

The thought of little Quincy fighting a bear is so ridiculous that it's easy to forget the dog and Paulsen's wife were in real danger.