Nausea Life, Consciousness, Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

The Nausea has given me a short breathing spell. But I know it will come back again: it is my normal state. (31.5)

Every now and then, Antoine succeeds in forgetting about the pain of existence. But he knows that it will always come back. Nausea is a part of who he is. It's not something he can just get over like a common cold. To think is to feel Nausea. The very ability to care about the meaning of life is the same thing that makes him feel pain at the thought that life might be meaningless.

Quote #8

Existence is what I am afraid of. (31.8)

When it comes time to paraphrase what is bothering him so much, Antoine admits that he is afraid of "existence." In other words, he's afraid of the crushing truth that the universe doesn't care at all about humanity and never will. It's just a bunch of earth and rock that doesn't have feelings and doesn't believe in human progress or significance.

Quote #9

Now when I say "I," it seems hollow to me. I can't manage to feel myself very well, I am so forgotten. (33.3)

When Antoine uses the word "I" in his diary, he doesn't even know what it refers to. He knows that he is a person, but isn't sure what exactly he means when he says "I." He means himself, of course, but what does that mean. After all, there are billions of other people in the world who use the word "I," and they all mean something different when they say it. Think about it… Who are you? Who is "I"?