Nausea Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He visited each one of them and, with an incomparable power, mimed the scene which was to take place. Thus he caused to be born or developed in them a madness for murder. (6.9)

While researching the Marquis de Rollebon, Antoine wonders whether it's truly possible for one person to be so persuasive that he can turn other people crazy. In this instance, it seems like the Marquis was such a convincing speaker and actor that he got a bunch of men to crave murder so badly that they went insane and killed the ruler of Russia.

Quote #5

I am cold, I take a step, I am cold, a step, I turn left, he turns left, he thinks he turns left, mad, am I mad? (22.39)

Antoine really starts to question his sanity when he writes the word "I" and no longer knows who it refers to. He says "I," but since his mind is changing from one second to the next, his true self is always slipping away from the word "I," which is supposed to refer to him. If this sounds confusing, that's because it is. Just ask Antoine.

Quote #6

Why not? It would be a change in any case. I put my left hand on the pad and stab the knife into the palm. The movement was too nervous; the blade slipped, the wound is superficial. (22.36)

Sitting at a café table, Antoine picks up a knife and stabs himself in the hand. He's so bored and lonely that he just wants to feel something. Anything.