Nausea Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Each instant appears only as part of a sequence. I cling to each instant with all my heart. (10.64)

Antoine is tortured by the thought that the present is constantly turning into the past. For him, life looks like it's just a long string of beads. He's counting them off one by one and wondering what the point of it all is. But each time he tries to "cling" to a good moment with all his heart, it slips away just like all the others.

Quote #5

I wanted the moments of my life to follow and order themselves like those of a life remembered. You might as well try and catch time by the tail. (11.7)

Antoine wants to live his present-day life as though he's remembering it from the future, which makes sense when you think about it. Life can often look a lot rosier when you're looking back on it. Even the goods times seem to be better when you remember them, and not so much while you're actually living them.

Quote #6

I think this is what happens: you suddenly feel that time is passing, that each instant is annihilated, and that it isn't worth while to hold it back, etc., etc. (13.5)

As his conflict unfolds, Antoine starts to give up on the idea of trying to capture a good moment and hold onto it. Instead, he starts to accept just how pointless it is to try and fight time. The present will always turn into the past and you can't stop it. So why try?