Neither Out Far Nor in Deep Analysis

Symbols, Imagery, Wordplay

Form and Meter

We hope you didn't get too seasick with all the down and up movement of iambic trimeter in this little sea shanty. But hey, even if you did, at least you know it was all for the sake of poetry, whi...


Real talk, Shmoopers. We don't know much about this speaker. Could be a dude. Could be a lady. Could be Frost himself. We get no details, no scoop, no personal info.So what we'll focus on here, the...


It's a beach day for sure in "Neither Out Far Nor In Deep." But we're not seeing any beach umbrellas and bathing suits. The poem's setting is more like an austere beach with folks contemplating lif...

Sound Check

"Neither Out Far Nor in Deep" sounds like a day at the beach. No, seriously.Okay, so it's not the kind of day that's full of sunscreen and snorkeling. Instead, it's a day for peacefully contemplati...

What's Up With the Title?

We know one thing is for sure: "far out" isn't beach lingo for something totally rad in Frost's poem. Instead, "Neither Out Far Nor In Deep" gets us thinking about limitations, in particular when i...

Calling Card

Usually we're swinging on birches with Frost or traveling down symbolic roads of life. There are often furry creatures around and lots of trees that get us thinking about nature and the ways the na...


Robert Frost is usually a base camp kind of poet. But with all the symbolism and truth talk we get in "Neither Out Far Nor In Deep," we have to dig a bit more and think in a slightly more abstract...


Some literary critics find Frost's "Neither Out Far Nor In Deep" "terrifying." Check out page 110 of Tyler Hoffman's book. Be sure to visit the Robert Frost Farm if you're ever in New Hampshire.

Steaminess Rating

We're pretty sure this G rating is standard for any Frost poem. He's not exactly a sexy kind of poet. He likes his birches and bears too much.