North and South Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


The most inappropriate and scandalous thing that happens in this entire book is that people mistakenly think that Margaret Hale goes out for an evening walk with a young man. Gasp. A walk. After dark. We're clutching our pearls just thinking about it. Please… someone. Bring us a restorative cup of tea. We feel as though we might swoon at the very thought.

It's all prim and proper in North and South. This is Victorian literature, y'all. This is also Victorian literature as written by a woman… and women writers back then had to pick their battles. Gaskell caused a big hullaballoo by writing frankly about the working class and unfavorable labor conditions in the North of England. She wasn't going to double down on scandal by also writing about sexytimes.

Everything is way buttoned-up in North and South. We recommend inviting your grandparents or your most prudish friend to read it with you. No one is going be offended: North and South is as family-friendly as a Jell-O salad and a game of Candy Land.