North and South Volume 2, Chapter 22 Summary

Something Wanting

  • Finally, Dixon finishes up with the family business in Milton and joins Margaret in London. She brings with her all kinds of news from Milton about Fanny Thornton's marriage and how grand and tacky it was. She also says that Mr. Thornton bid on some of Margaret's furniture at the town auction just to help drive the price up.
  • All this time, though, Margaret can only wonder whether Mr. Bell has told Mr. Thornton the truth about her situation at the train station.
  • Over the next little while, Margaret gets it into her head that she would like to visit her brother Frederick and his new wife in Spain. Her cousin Edith gets upset, thinking that Margaret never wants to hang out with her, but Margaret calms her down.
  • Dixon isn't the biggest fan of going to Spain with Margaret, though. She's afraid that "Spanish papists" will try to convert her to Catholicism.
  • One of Margaret's biggest pleasures during this time is playing with Edith's baby son. She gets the sense that holding the baby boy gives her a kind of pleasure that she'll never have again. In other words, she's worried that she'll never have a baby of her own.
  • All the while, Margaret can tell that she has once again caught the eye of Mr. Henry Lennox. And she doesn't particularly mind it.