North and South Volume 1, Chapter 16 Summary

The Shadow of Death

  • A doctor from Milton named Donaldson visits Mrs. Hale. After he's done his examination, Margaret wants to know what's wrong. But Donaldson has promised Mrs. Hale not to say anything. Margaret eventually gets the truth out of him. Mrs. Hale is very ill and doesn't have long to live. There's nothing to be done.
  • Margaret runs up to her mother's room and tells her she knows everything. Mrs. Hale curses the doctor for telling. She is also devastated to think that she'll die without ever seeing beautiful Helstone again.
  • Then, as she falls into a swoon, Mrs. Hale starts screaming about how she wants to see her son Frederick again before she dies.
  • Before finishing their conversation, Margaret promises not to tell her father until the time is right.
  • Afterward, Margaret speaks with the servant Dixon and realizes that Dixon has known about the illness for weeks. She apologizes for any time she's been short with the servant, having not known what a terrible secret Dixon has been keeping.