O Pioneers! Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around O Pioneers!? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. The name "the Divide" seems to reflect what quality of life on the prairie?

Alexandra's isolation and division from the rest of the world
basic arithmetic
the way it's divided between Norwegians and Swedish
the way it's divided between forest and plains
Q. Which two authors are discussed as previous users of the "White Mulberry Tree" theme?

Rocky and Bullwinkle
Regis and Kathie Lee
Plato and Homer
Shakespeare and Ovid
Q. What is the importance of the novel's use of the "White Mulberry Tree" allusion?

it plays with the idea that "human stories" repeat themselves
it makes us hungry for mulberries
it expresses the author's preference for Shakespeare
it glorifies nature
Q. Which two characters do we encounter for the second time in the graveyard?

Carl and Alexandra
Ivar and Signa
Emil and Marie
George and Diane
Q. The graveyard lets us think what about death in O Pioneers! ?

that it's a bummer when it happens
that it's part of history's life cycle
that all dead people go to heaven
that John Bergson is still alive