The Odyssey Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Line)

Quote #13

(Telemachos:) ‘We went to Pylos, and to Nestor, shepherd of the people, and he, in his high house, gave me hospitality, and loving free attention, as a father would to his own beloved son, who was newly arrived from a long voyage elsewhere. So he freely took care of me, with his own glorious children.’ (17.109-113)

Telemachos himself is treated as family when in fact he is only a guest.

Quote #14

(Odysseus:) ‘But now I shall go to our estate with its many orchards, to see my noble father who has grieved for me constantly.’ (23.354-355)

Odysseus shows his devotion and duty to his family by immediately leaving to see his father after his emotional reunion with his wife.

Quote #15

He spoke, and the black cloud of sorrow closed on Laertes. In both hands he caught up the grimy dust and poured it over his face and grizzled head, groaning incessantly. The spirit rose up in Odysseus, and now in his nostrils there was a shock of bitter force as he looked on his father. He sprang to him and embraced and kissed him […]. (24.315-319)

Poor Laertes. Having a grown-up son was pretty much the only Social Security people had for, oh, most of human history—so we can understand why he's so distressed.