Oranges Resources


Straight From the Poet's Mouth

Here's the home of all things Soto—the writer's very own website.

Soto, Then and Now

Here's a good bio and more from the folks at the Poetry Foundation.

You Want More Soto?

Here are a bunch of Soto's other poems. Click to your heart's content…

Soto Quote-o

Soto is a pretty quotable guy.


Lights, Camera, Oranges!

Here's a video interpretation of "Oranges."

"Oranges," Take Two

Here's another video response to the poem. Feel free to compare and contrast and pick a fave.

Bet You Didn't See This Coming…

A video interpretation… with Legos. Sweet.

The Man in His Museum

Here's Soto giving a tour of his own museum. You don't see that everyday.
Things really get going around the 55 second mark. At 6.30 he talks about "Oranges."


Soto Reads the Classics… Sort of

Click the link to listen to Soto reading from a collection of Anglo-Saxon poetry. Go on… be brave and click it.


Gary Shares

Soto opens up the ol' family album—lots of good pictures here.

More Gary

You want to see more of Gary? You got it…

Articles and Interviews

In the Beginning…

Soto talks about getting his start as a writer.

Mr. Soto, Mr. Soto, Question Over Here…

Soto fields questions from some inquisitive students.

Mrs. Soto Tells All…

Soto fields questions from some inquisitive students.

Mrs. Soto Tells All…

Here's an interview with Soto and his wife about his book What Poets are Like.

When the Magic Happens

In this Pedestal Magazine interview, Gary talks about his writing process (and other stuff, too).

What Happens When a Famous Writer Attends His Junior High Reunion?

Read this Ploughshares article for all the juicy details.


Gary's Been a Busy Boy…

Page after page after page of Gary Soto books—this guy writes… a lot.

1985 "Oranges"

Here's where "Oranges" appeared in book form for the first time, Soto's 1985 poetry collection Black Hair.

Movies & TV

Not Much Yet…

But if the rest of Gary Soto's career is any indication, it's only a matter of time before Hollywood comes knocking.