Our Mutual Friend Drugs and Alcohol Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

The visitor first held the bottle against the light of the candle, and next examined the top of the cork. (9.12.84)

John Harmon has been drugged before, and he's not going to let it happen again. It's only after examining the cork on a bottle of alcohol that he's satisfied to drink it.

Quote #5

"If you'll give me something to quench my thirst first." (16.1.106)

It's not only drunks who want a drink of liquor now and then. Bradley Headstone tries to rest after a stressful day by asking Mr. Riderhood for a drink of gin. His logic is: how's a guy supposed to get to sleep without a tipple?

Quote #6

The bottle and jug were again produced, and he mixed a weak draught, and another, and drank from both in quick succession. (16.1.107)

Headstone likes alcohol as much as the next man. But unlike some of the serious drunks in this book, he mixes his alcohol weakly. He might be doing this on purpose to make Riderhood think he's drunker than he is. After all, Headstone has a lot to gain by tricking Riderhood.