Our Town Visions of America Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Act.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

You know how he is. I haven’t heard a serious word out of him since I’ve known him. No, he said, it might make him discontented with Grover’s Corners to go traipsin’ about Europe; better let well enough alone, he says. Every two years he makes a trip to the battlefields of the Civil War and that’s enough treat for anybody, he says. (I.198)

Mr. Gibbs is content to staying within the parameters of the United States.

Quote #8

Yes…anthropological data: Early Amerindian stock. Cotahatchee tribes…no evidence before the tenth century of this era…hm…now entirely disappeared…possible traces in three families. Migration toward the end of the seventeenth century of English brachiocephalic blue-eyed stock… for the most part. Since then some Slav and Mediterranean – (I.206)

Professor Willard describes the destruction of the Native American population on Grover’s Corners land, and the immigration of new groups of people.

Quote #9

Oh, yes, indeed? – The population, at the moment, is 2,642. The Postal District brings in 507 more, making a total of 3,149. – Mortality and birth rates: constant. – By MacPherson’s gauge: 6.032. (I.222)

Professor Willard reveals the town’s small and consistent population.