A Perfect Day for Bananafish Madness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Section.Paragraph). Though the story has no explicit divisions, we created "sections" to make the paragraph numbers more manageable. Section one is the scene in the hotel room. Section two is the scene on the beach to the end of the story.

Quote #4

"Well. In the first place, he said it was a perfect crime the Army released him from the hospital – my word of honor. He very definitely told your father there's a chance – a very great chance, he said – that Seymour may completely lose control of himself. My word of honor." (1.51)

Much of the tension of the story is introduced this way; we wonder if, indeed, Seymour will "lose control of himself" by the end of the story.

Quote #5

"You know Seymour," said the girl, and crossed her legs again. "He says he doesn't want a lot of fools looking at his tattoo."

"He doesn't have any tattoo! Did he get one in the Army?"

"No, Mother. No, dear," said the girl, and stood up. (1.107-9)

Here, we suspect that Muriel actually does understand something about Seymour. It's perfectly clear to her that he's speaking metaphorically, while her mother is left in the dark.

Quote #6

"See more glass," said Sybil Carpenter, who was staying at the hotel with her mother. "Did you see more glass?"

"Pussycat, stop saying that. It's driving Mommy absolutely crazy. Hold still, please." (2.1-2)

Important spiritual insights are often taken for nonsense or gibberish in this story.