A Perfect Day for Bananafish Muriel Glass Quotes

Muriel Glass

Quote 7

"All right, all right. He calls me Miss Spiritual Tramp of 1948," the girl said, and giggled. (1.34)

This gives us some insight into Muriel's relationship with Seymour. Her giggle implies that she doesn't take him too seriously – which may or may not be a good thing. On the one hand, she misses the gravity of his illness. On the other hand, she balances out his serious, moody spirituality. Check out Salinger's story, "Raise High the Roofbeam, Carpenters," for more insights.

Muriel Glass

Quote 8

"He's played the piano both nights we've been here." (1.70)

We know from the other Glass stories that Seymour is a poet; now we are reminded again that he is, at heart, a sort of artist.

Muriel Glass

Quote 9

"I don't know, Mother. I guess because he's so pale and all," said the girl. "Anyway, after Bingo he and his wife asked me if I wouldn't like to join them for a drink. So I did. His wife was horrible. You remember that awful dinner dress we saw in Bonwit's window? The one you said you'd have to have a tiny, tiny – " (1.74)

Muriel is so distracted by materialistic things like fashion that she can't focus on the matter at hand, what the psychiatrist had to say about Seymour. Spiritually, she is at a very different place than is her husband.