Perfect Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Am I wrong to feel/this way? Does it make me a stereotype?/Or does it in some weird way make me/racist? If it does, would/I be less racist if I were only attracted/to black women? It's hard enough to/find someone you want/to be with. Why worry about color at all? (12.44-46)

We can't control who turns us on, but the social pressure to date within our ethnic groups can be pretty intense. Do you have a different opinion? Is Andre racist for only liking white girls?

Quote #5

Suddenly, food flies out of his mouth./Who the f*** is that with your sister?/Guess it's time for Dad to meet Andre. (22.92-93)

If your racism actually makes your dinner fly out of your mouth, it might be time for some sensitivity training, n'est ce pas?

Quote #6

Dad: Listen to me, little girl. I'd better/never see you with/someone like… that… again. Never. (24.47)

Jenna's dad is doing too little parenting, too late—not unlike her stepdad. Instead of addressing the fact that she's dating an older guy, he addresses the guy's skin color. The parental cluelessness in Perfect is strong.