Perfect Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

We have gotten/naked a time or two,/and Lord help me, that girl has shown/me things most grown women/would blush at. (16.9-10)

Jenna might not feel the need to alter her appearance to make other people approve of her, but she's using her body to win their approval in other ways.

Quote #5

But just as I test the barrier,/everything screaming yes,/go, she opens her eyes./And out of her mouth/comes a single word: No. (23.22)

Sean's fully aware that Cara says no. He hears her; he just convinces himself she doesn't really mean it. After all, he thinks she's been leading him on.

Quote #6

She sobs, and her entire/body shakes with the force/of it. No. You raped me./Her voice slices, tempered/steel. I told you to stop. (23.30)

Sean knows in that moment that his relationship with Cara is over, but instead of apologizing, he chooses further physical violence, grabs her, and tells her she didn't really mean what she said. Sensitivity: You're doing it all wrong, Sean.