Guilt and Blame Quotes in The Poisonwood Bible

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

She grew strong as I grew weak. (Yes! Jesus loves me!) And so it came to pass, in the Eden of our mother's womb, I was cannibalized by my sister. (1.4.14)

If Adah believed in God, she'd probably blame Him for her disability. As it is, she accepts it … but kind of holds Leah responsible.

Quote #2

If [Nathan's] guilt made him a tyrant before men, it made him like a child before his God. (3.Prologue.28)

Correction: it makes him a petulant child before God, the type of child that tries to manipulate his parents (in this case, the Father) to get what he wants and throws a tantrum when it doesn't happen.

Quote #3

"This is your penance for sixteen years of pulling up your nose at my cooking." (3.7.18)

Orleanna plays the blame card on Rachel, although the emotion of guilt never seems to register in her. (Hey, that's moms for you.)