Religion Quotes in The Poisonwood Bible

How we cite our quotes: (Book.Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

We aimed for no more than to have dominion over every creature that moved upon the earth. (1.Prologue.16)

Dominion isn't just an addictive card game. In Genesis, it seems to mean something like "ruling" but also "being responsible for taking care of." (That's a nod to all of you lovely Tree Huggers out there.) Of course, Nathan Price seems to ignore the "taking care of" part and focuses on the ruling instead.

Quote #2

My father [...] was bringing the Word of God — which fortunately weighs nothing at all. (1.1.21)

Out of everything the Prices brought to the Congo, where does the Word of God rank on a scale of usefulness? Just asking.

Quote #3

"How did this curse come to me, when it's God's own will to cultivate the soil!" (1.5.30)

Sure—except by "cultivate," maybe God didn't mean "impose your own will upon." Nathan seems to conveniently forget the parts of the Bible that don't allow him to be a total control freak.