The Poisonwood Bible Themes

The Poisonwood Bible Themes

Contrasting Regions: Congo and United States

Point to the United States on a globe (or Google Earth). How about England? Australia? Good, you pass. Now where's the Democratic Republic of the Congo? Stumped? If you're using an out-of-date glob...


There are thousands, if not millions of injustices in the world. "I went to go babysit for an hour and the kids didn't know what their own wi-fi password was." "I type so fast that my expensive fak...

Women and Femininity

The 1960s were a different time for women, and not just women's fashion. The Feminine Mystique was published, and the Civil Rights Act went into law. It's easy to forget that the Price girls a...


We know all about the Bible, and not just The Poisonwood Bible. Well, a couple of them anyway. There are so many different translations and editions, it's impossible to know all of them. There are...

Guilt and Blame

Some things get unfair blame. The rain. Canada. When it comes to The Poisonwood Bible, we're not sure who goes in the fair blame or the unfair blame category. Nathan Price seems to blame women for...


If "malaria" isn't an African word for "death," it should be. Ninety-one percent of deaths from malaria are in Africa, accounting for almost 600,000 deaths, 86% of them in children under 5 (source)...


We all know that it's important to vote. (Yeah, we rock the vote. It goes great with our cognac boots and skinny jeans.) But you've got to know what you're voting for, and that's a challenge to the...

Language and Communication

Learning a new language is challenging. Memorizing vocabulary words, that's the easy part. It's the nuances that are difficult, like remembering to roll your r's or not being able to count past eig...


Unless you're Kim Kardashian, marriage is a special, sacred event in someone's life. For Orleanna Price in The Poisonwood Bible, it started off well enough—but it wasn't long until her new husban...

Man and the Natural World

When you have to drive thirty miles to find a park and get in touch with nature, it's easy to forget that all the modern conveniences we live with—grocery stores, indoor plumbing, the Internet—...