Possession Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Possession: A Romance. London: Vintage Books, 1991.

Quote #7

Now—I must make confession. I have written and destroyed an earlier answer to your letter in which—not disingenuously—I urged you to hold fast by your faith—not to involve yourself in the 'ambages and sinuosities' of the Critical Philosophy—and wrote, what may not be nonsense, that women's minds, more intuitive and purer and less beset with torsions and stresses than those of mere males—may hold on to truths securely that we men may lose by much questioning […]. (10.23)

In one of his letters to Christabel LaMotte, Randolph Henry Ash decides to reject a very old-fashioned view of women's "intuitive and purer" spirituality and instead chooses to treat Christabel as an intellectual equal.

Quote #8

We went to hear another lecture on the recent Spiritual Manifestations, given by a most respectable Quaker—who began with a predisposition to believe in the life of the Spirit—but with no vulgar desire to be shocked or startled. Himself an Englishman, he characterised the English—in a manner not wholly alien to the style of the poet Ash. We have undergone—this good man said—a double process of Induration. Trade—and Protestant abjuration of spiritual relations—have been mutually doing the work of internal petrification and ossification upon us. (10.67)

In this passage, we start to get a sense of Christabel LaMotte's perspective on spiritualist theories and ideas. Both Christabel and Blanche Glover believe that spiritualist ideas are compatible with their Christian faith, and both are fascinated by the new line of thought.

Quote #9

I shall lock away this volume—anyway during its earliest life—and write in it only what is meant for my eyes alone, and those of the Supreme Being (my father's deity, when he does not seem to believe in much older ones, Lug, Dagda, Taranis. Christabel has a strong but peculiarly English devotion to Jesus, which I do not wholly understand, nor is it clear to me what her allegiances are, Catholic or Protestant). (19.35)

As Sabine de Kercoz's journal reminds us, we don't know a whole lot about the specifics of Christabel LaMotte's Christian beliefs. Is she Anglican? Catholic? Presbyterian? Quaker? It's really hard to say.