Possession Spirituality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Possession: A Romance. London: Vintage Books, 1991.

Quote #10

'Ah, Lazarus. Etiam si mortuus fuerit… Do you think—in your heart of hearts—we continue—after?'

She bowed her head and looked for the truth.

'We are promised—men are so wonderful, so singular—we cannot be lost—for nothing. I don't know, Randolph, I don't know'

'If there is nothing—I shall not—feel the cold.' (25. 69-72)

Even on his deathbed, Randolph Henry Ash wasn't sure about his deepest beliefs and doubts. But, once again, he doesn't seem to be overly stressed about it. Here, he seems to be saying: If there's life after death, so be it; if there isn't life after death, that's all right, too.