Postcards from No Man's Land Steaminess Rating

Exactly how steamy is this story?


It makes sense in a book about love that there's also some sex in the mix, right? Jacob and Ton debate whether marriage should even be a thing anymore, and Daan seems to think you should love the one you're with… man, woman, both, whatever.

But sex is more than just a topic of conversation in this novel. Don't believe us? Go back and read some of those passages of Geertrui's time with Jacob in the "hiding place" again. This book has two loved-drunk young adults getting it on behind the hay in a time when sex outside marriage was a major no-no.

The sex we find between the haystacks or beside the canals in Amsterdam isn't all fun and games, though, and we see a surprise pregnancy plus Ton tells us that he's used to people not accepting him because he's gay. Ultimately, there might be lots of hanky-panky, but we get the idea that no sex comes without its fair share of consequences…good and bad.