Pride and Prejudice Language and Communication Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

But on returning to the drawing-room, when her letter was finished, she saw, to her infinite surprise, there was reason to fear that her mother had been too ingenious for her. On opening the door, she perceived her sister and Bingley standing together over the hearth, as if engaged in earnest conversation; and had this led to no suspicion, the faces of both, as they hastily turned round and moved away from each other, would have told it all. (3.8.21)

Hey, body language! Elizabeth has no trouble putting together the clues to see what Jane and Bingley are up to. But why do you think we don't get to hear any of the successful proposals? Why only Mr. Collins' ridiculous proposal and Mr. Darcy's major flop?