Pride and Prejudice Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Elizabeth was shocked to think that, however incapable of such coarseness of expression herself, the coarseness of the sentiment was little other than her own breast had harboured and fancied liberal! (39.15)

When the Bennet sisters are talking about Mary King, Wickham's one-time girlfriend, Lydia says some pretty nasty things about her. It's a big wakeup call to Lizzy, who realizes that she's just as prejudiced as Lydia—she just knows better than to say it out loud.

Quote #8

Elizabeth listened, wondered, doubted, and was impatient for more. Mrs. Reynolds could interest her on no other point. She related the subjects of the pictures, the dimensions of the rooms, and the price of the furniture, in vain. Mr. Gardiner, highly amused by the kind of family prejudice to which he attributed her excessive commendation of her master, soon led again to the subject; and she dwelt with energy on his many merits as they proceeded together up the great staircase. (43.47)

Even servants have family prejudice—but is it really prejudice? A housekeeper would definitely see a family at their absolute worst. So, if Mrs. Reynolds really has nothing but good things to say, maybe Darcy actually is a good guy.

Quote #9

She explained what its effect on her had been, and how gradually all her former prejudices had been removed. (50.19)

Little by little, Lizzy has dropped her prejudices against Darcy. Do you think that she's learned her lesson about not judging people? Or is this a one-time-only deal? (We like to think that she's learned her lesson.)