Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Dissatisfaction Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"He was right, and you can see that already we both had the same idea in mind: that this might be the first step toward escape for us all." (16.58)

For some super-geniuses, it's all about me, myself, and I. But here, we learn that Nicodemus and Jenner have some serious leadership skills and plan on taking the whole crew with them when they flee the lab. The fact that they are so connected now also makes the split between the two later feel even sadder.

Quote #5

"Finally, reluctantly, everyone agreed to spend one more day in the laboratory and leave early the next night. But it was a hard decision, with freedom so near." (18.31)

Ding-dong, it's the Suspense Fairy and she has a special message for you: hold your breath because at any moment, these characters that you care about could have all of their greatest hopes dashed if a scientist decides to come back to the lab for even a second.

Quote #6

"And yet all was not well. After the first burst of energy, the moving in of the machines, the digging of tunnels and rooms—after that was done, a feeling of discontent settled upon us like some creeping disease." (22.20)

Yikes. The "creeping disease" that the rats feel is directly related to their new ability to think and reason. NIMH has made sure that their bodies are healthy, but they couldn't quite figure out how to control their minds.