Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

They walked to their summer house, taking half a day to do it, strolling slowly and enjoying the fine weather, stopping on the way to eat some new spring weather, stopping on the way to eat some new spring leaves of field cress. (28.8)

Holy irony, Batman: the warm weather terrifies the Frisbys earlier, and now they are having the time of their short lives in it. Amazing what some help from your neighborhood friendly super-rats can do. Considering that the family was living in fear just a few days ago, the image of them strolling along outdoors shows how far they've come.

Quote #8

In the garden they were always alone with themselves, but along the bank of the brook in summer lived five other mice families with their children. (28.9)

Given how close the family is, it doesn't seem like they would mind being "alone with themselves." But things seem great for the family now: new friends to play with, family all around, a waterfront view. But will these new mice see the Frisby kids as outsiders, as the other rats saw the rats of NIMH?

Quote #9

To everyone's surprise, Timothy says, "I thought he might be. I think Mr. Ages was too." (28.27)

This is chiefly important because it shows for sure that Timothy got some of his dad's brains. He was thinking critically and making connections before he even knew about NIMH.