Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Identity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"And yet, here we were, rats getting caught up in something a lot like the People Race, and for no good reason." (22.24)

Rats as people and people as rats? This sounds like something more than your average identity crisis. Could it be that Nicodemis has a point and rats and people have more in common than just giving birth to live young? Maybe.

Quote #8

"We did not have enough work to do because a thief's life is always based on somebody else's work." (22.27)

Here's another identity that the rats want to cast off. Depending on how you look at it, this is either happy (because the rats are working towards a better life) or sad (because they would never be in this dilemma if the humans hadn't tinkered with them. Can't a rat catch a break once in a while?

Quote #9

"That's silly. Is it stealing when farmers take milk from cows or eggs from chickens? They're just smarter than cows or chickens, that's all. Well, people are our cows. If we're smart enough, why shouldn't we get food from them?" (22.52)

Jenner doesn't paint the most flattering picture of humans here, but his logic is pretty easy to follow. This makes it easy to understand why the Plan doesn't appeal to him.