Rebecca Marriage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

 "An appalling tragedy […] the papers were full of it of course. They say he never talks about it, never mentions her name. She was drowned you know, in the bay near Manderley..." (4.93)

This is one of the very first things that readers, and Mrs. de Winter, hear about Rebecca's death. Mrs. de Winter instantly assumes Maxim is mourning his wife. What did you think?

Quote #2

"No, I'm asking you to marry me, you little fool." (6.55-57)

Best marriage proposal ever, right? Is Maxim's temper flaring even here? Or is he just being playful and ironic?

Quote #3

"[T]ell me something – do you mind how soon you marry me? […] Because the whole thing can be so easily arranged in a few days. Over a desk, with a license, and then off in the car to Venice or anywhere you fancy." (6.82)

This makes us a little suspicious. We want Maxim and our narrator to hurry up and get married, but we also wonder what the rush is all about. As the tale unfolds, it's clear that Maxim just really needs a wife. He needs a wife to help him forget Rebecca and to stand by him if he's discovered as Rebecca's killer.