Rebecca Characters

Meet the Cast

Mrs. de Winter

Nameless NarratorWho is this woman? Really, we want to know. Sure, she's the narrator of Rebecca. But even so, she's a very mysterious character. She doesn't tell us her first name, her maiden name...

Rebecca de Winter

Our title character is a puzzle we can never completely solve; the more we think about her, the more she eludes us. Our knowledge about Rebecca is filtered through the narrator, and because she's t...

Mrs. Danvers

Dead or Alive?Mrs. Danvers, the head housekeeper at Manderley, is one the scariest people we can imagine sharing a gothic mansion with. Every bit the gothic figure, she's first described as "tall a...

Mr. Frank Crawley

Mrs. de Winter portrays Frank in a very sympathetic light. He's described as the quintessentially proper English gentleman and the perfect host. He's infinitely kind to Mrs. de Winter, and he's alw...

Mr. Jack Favell

Jack Favell is Rebecca's first cousin, her childhood friend, and, it seems, her lover. (We know: ew.) Jack comes across as a crude kind of hustler, playboy type. He's low on cash, he's perpetually...

Mrs. Beatrice Lacy

Beatrice is Maxim's slightly older sister. She a sympathetic character who genuinely tries to help Mrs. de Winter adapt to life at Manderley. According to Maxim, Rebecca had an affair with Beatrice...


Ben is the son of a man who used to work at Manderley. He's emotionally unstable and seems to be mentally challenged. One thing's for sure: he doesn't like Rebecca. He tells Mrs. de Winter that Reb...

Colonel Julyan

Colonel Julyan, the magistrate at Kerrith, isn't what we'd call an impartial investigator. It seems like that he knows that Maxim killed Rebecca, but participates in the cover up. This guys would r...

Minor Characters

AliceAlice is a housekeeper at Manderley. She acts as Mrs. de Winter's temporary maid, and she looks down on Mrs. de Winter as lower class. So it seems that some of our narrator's fears are actuall...