Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. How would you describe the Force? What is it? What does it represent? What can you do with it—besides making the perfect BLT sandwich?
  2. Spiritually speaking, are Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker the same person?
  3. It's no secret that many film fans and critics hate the Ewoks with the fire of Tatooine's twin suns. What do you think? What do they add to the film? Would Return of the Jedi be better without these sentient teddy bears?
  4. Are good and evil choices or are they destinies? In other words, who's right: Luke or the Emperor?
  5. The original title of Return of the Jedi was Revenge of the Jedi. Writer George Lucas changed it because he didn't think the idea of revenge fit into the Jedi belief system. What do you think? Which one's a better title? Does Luke get some form of revenge?
  6. How does Leia break the mold for movie princesses?
  7. Daddy issues are a big deal in Return of the Jedi. How is Darth Vader's relationship with the Emperor like a father-son relationship?
  8. How does Return of the Jedi fit the definition of a space opera? Does it break any conventions of the genre? Is the idea of a "space opera" problematic as a genre?
  9. Who's responsible for Anakin's redemption: Anakin or Luke?
  10. Sure, the galaxy's been saved, but where do you think Luke is at mentally and emotionally at the end of the movie?