Rhinoceros Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #1

DAISY: You shouldn’t have made him angry.

BERENGER: It wasn’t my fault. (1.1.1011-1012)

People are quick to blame others in this play for just about everything that happens. What’s interesting about Berenger is that he goes back and forth between refusing to accept any responsibility (like here) and feeling as though he is the sole person who is responsible for everything. Quite the fickle fella.

Quote #2

BERENGER: I should never have quarreled with Jean. (1.1.1206)

See, right there. One of those dang “shoulds.” Just a couple minutes back, he had nothing to do with the ish, and now he’s on to feeling guilty about the whole argument thing. Just a sneak peak of the utter guilt he’ll take on about everything that goes down with Jean’s transformation. But more on that later.

Quote #3

BOTARD: It’s always the little people who get the blame. (2.1.430-431)

Spoken like a true anti-establishment worker! Botard doesn’t trust “management” or government or anyone with any kind of power, so he is quick to blame them for everything that happens—even people turning into rhinoceroses.