Rhinoceros Man vs. The Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Scene.Line

Quote #1

WAITRESS: Oh, a rhinoceros! (1.1.169)

Hey, the play is called rhinoceros, so there better be a rhinoceros sighting. Yup, the waitress’s surprisingly nonchalant, “Oh, a rhinoceros!” How dainty. Anyway, this moment is the first acknowledgment that something from the seemingly natural world has encroached on the human domain.

Quote #2

JEAN: A rhinoceros loose in the town, and you don’t bat an eyelid! It shouldn’t be allowed! (1.1.357-358)

This statement from Jean is kind of like somebody who talks trash about Lady Gaga and then runs home and fashions a dress out of meat. The next time we see Jean after this scene, he’ll be changing into a rhino and joining up with all the others. Which is kind of another version of a meat dress, when you stop to think about it.

Quote #3

BOTARD: How can it be possible in a civilized country? (2.1.425)

There are places in one of the largest cities in Texas (and other places, we assume) that couldn’t be more city-like. There are skyscrapers and huge corporations and lovely little neighborhoods. Sometimes, though, coyotes walk the streets. It’s a crazy thing to see the natural world push its way into “civilization,” and this is what Botard has witnessed. And he just cannot deal.