Richard III: Act 4, Scene 2 Translation

A side-by-side translation of Act 4, Scene 2 of Richard III from the original Shakespeare into modern English.

  Original Text

 Translated Text

  Source: Folger Shakespeare Library

Sound a sennet. Enter Richard in pomp; Buckingham,
Catesby, Ratcliffe, Lovell, and others, including a Page.

Stand all apart.—Cousin of Buckingham.

The others move aside.

BUCKINGHAM My gracious sovereign.

Give me thy hand.

Here he ascendeth the throne. Sound trumpets.

Thus high, by thy advice
And thy assistance is King Richard seated. 5
But shall we wear these glories for a day,
Or shall they last and we rejoice in them?

Still live they, and forever let them last.

Ah, Buckingham, now do I play the touch,
To try if thou be current gold indeed: 10
Young Edward lives; think now what I would speak.

BUCKINGHAM Say on, my loving lord.

Why, Buckingham, I say I would be king.

Why so you are, my thrice-renownèd lord.

Ha! Am I king? ’Tis so—but Edward lives. 15

True, noble prince.

Back at the palace, Richard has taken the throne, but he's super paranoid.

Richard worries aloud that his glory might be too short as king. He points out that Prince Edward (the rightful heir to the throne) is still alive and is a threat to him.

Richard obviously wants Buckingham to make the young princes disappear – forever.

When it's clear that Buckingham isn't taking the hint, Richard declares, verbatim, "I wish the bastards dead!"

Buckingham hesitates, which ticks off Richard.

Buckingham quickly excuses himself, saying he needs a minute to think about whether it's OK to murder two innocent children.

CATESBY, aside to the other Attendants
The King is angry. See, he gnaws his lip.

RICHARD, aside
I will converse with iron-witted fools 30
And unrespective boys. None are for me
That look into me with considerate eyes.
High-reaching Buckingham grows circumspect.—

PAGE, coming forward My lord? 35

Know’st thou not any whom corrupting gold
Will tempt unto a close exploit of death?

I know a discontented gentleman
Whose humble means match not his haughty spirit.
Gold were as good as twenty orators, 40
And will, no doubt, tempt him to anything.

What is his name?

PAGE His name, my lord, is Tyrrel.

I partly know the man. Go, call him hither, boy.

Page exits.

Aside. The deep-revolving witty Buckingham 45
No more shall be the neighbor to my counsels.
Hath he so long held out with me, untired,
And stops he now for breath? Well, be it so.

Richard calls a page to bring him a man who will do anything, no matter how heinous, for money. The page knows just the man – Sir James Tyrrell.

Since Richard has now found a murderer and conspirator more useful to him than Buckingham, he declares Buckingham is out of his inner-circle. (And likely soon to be dead.)

Enter Stanley.

How now, Lord Stanley, what’s the news?

STANLEY Know, my loving lord, 50
The Marquess Dorset, as I hear, is fled
To Richmond, in the parts where he abides.

He walks aside.

Come hither, Catesby. Rumor it abroad
That Anne my wife is very grievous sick.
I will take order for her keeping close. 55
Inquire me out some mean poor gentleman,
Whom I will marry straight to Clarence’ daughter.
The boy is foolish, and I fear not him.
Look how thou dream’st! I say again, give out
That Anne my queen is sick and like to die. 60
About it, for it stands me much upon
To stop all hopes whose growth may damage me.

Catesby exits.

Aside. I must be married to my brother’s daughter,
Or else my kingdom stands on brittle glass.
Murder her brothers, and then marry her— 65
Uncertain way of gain. But I am in
So far in blood that sin will pluck on sin.
Tear-falling pity dwells not in this eye.

Enter Tyrrel.

Is thy name Tyrrel?

Stanley, Earl of Derby then enters with the news that Dorset has fled to see Richmond. (Remember that Richmond is Stanley's stepson, so we don't really know whose side he's on.)

Richard doesn't fixate on this news. Instead, without hesitation, he calls Catesby to him and hatches yet another plot, this time to protect his hard-earned crown. Richard wants Catesby to start spreading a rumor that his wife Anne is very sick and likely to die soon. Meanwhile, he plans to imprison Anne.
Richard plans to get Clarence's kids out of the way too – just to be safe. He isn't worried about Clarence's dull-witted young son, and he'll marry Clarence's little daughter Margaret off to some unimportant loser, probably to prevent a nobleman from marrying her and then claiming himself heir to the crown.

Richard then reveals the worst part of his plan. Once the hired murderer snuffs out the two princes in the tower, only their sister will be left behind. Richard thinks it would be a good idea to marry her after he gets rid of Anne.

Richard reasons that he's already killed a bunch of people, so what's a few more?

James Tyrrel, and your most obedient subject. 70

Art thou indeed?

TYRREL Prove me, my gracious lord.

Dar’st thou resolve to kill a friend of mine?

Please you. But I had rather kill two enemies.

Why then, thou hast it. Two deep enemies, 75
Foes to my rest, and my sweet sleep’s disturbers,
Are they that I would have thee deal upon.
Tyrrel, I mean those bastards in the Tower.

Let me have open means to come to them,
And soon I’ll rid you from the fear of them. 80

Thou sing’st sweet music. Hark, come hither, Tyrrel.

Tyrrel approaches Richard and kneels.

Go, by this token. Rise, and lend thine ear.

Tyrrel rises, and Richard whispers
to him. Then Tyrrel steps back.

There is no more but so. Say it is done,
And I will love thee and prefer thee for it.

TYRREL I will dispatch it straight. He exits. 85

Richard then meets with Tyrrell, who runs off to kill the young princes. 

Enter Buckingham.

My lord, I have considered in my mind
The late request that you did sound me in.

Well, let that rest. Dorset is fled to Richmond.

BUCKINGHAM I hear the news, my lord.

Stanley, he is your wife’s son. Well, look unto it. 90

My lord, I claim the gift, my due by promise,
For which your honor and your faith is pawned—
Th’ earldom of Hereford and the movables
Which you have promisèd I shall possess.

Stanley, look to your wife. If she convey 95
Letters to Richmond, you shall answer it.

Buckingham reminds Richard that he promised to give him the earldom of Hereford for his loyal service.

Richard ignores him.

Richard warns Derby that if Derby's wife (mother to Richmond) sends any letters to Richmond, Derby will pay for it.

What says your Highness to my just request?

I do remember me, Henry the Sixth
Did prophesy that Richmond should be king,
When Richmond was a little peevish boy. 100
A king perhaps—


How chance the prophet could not at that time
Have told me, I being by, that I should kill him?

My lord, your promise for the earldom— 105

Richmond! When last I was at Exeter,
The Mayor in courtesy showed me the castle
And called it Rougemont, at which name I started,
Because a bard of Ireland told me once
I should not live long after I saw Richmond. 110


RICHARD Ay, what’s o’clock?

I am thus bold to put your Grace in mind
Of what you promised me.

RICHARD Well, but what’s o’clock? 115

BUCKINGHAM Upon the stroke of ten.

RICHARD Well, let it strike.

BUCKINGHAM Why let it strike?

Because that, like a jack, thou keep’st the stroke
Betwixt thy begging and my meditation. 120
I am not in the giving vein today.

Why then, resolve me whether you will or no.

Thou troublest me; I am not in the vein.
He exits, and is followed by all but Buckingham.

And is it thus? Repays he my deep service
With such contempt? Made I him king for this? 125
O, let me think on Hastings and be gone
To Brecknock, while my fearful head is on!

He exits.

Richard's mind is already moving to what's ahead (which seems like war with Richmond).

Richard then talks about King Henry VI, who prophesied long ago that Richmond would one day be King of England. Richard notes that Henry must have been mistaken in leaving out the part of the prophecy where he, King Richard III, kills Richmond.

Richard recalls another prophecy warning him to fear Richmond.

Richard finally stops being distracted enough to tell Buckingham to leave him alone, as Buckingham has been whining on the sidelines this whole time.

Buckingham realizes that for all his evil deeds, he's being repaid just like the other men Richard turned on. Before he ends up like Hastings, Buckingham decides to flee to Brecknock, a mansion in Wales.