The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich True or False

1. According to Shirer, what was General Ludwig Beck's "fatal flaw"? -> Indecision
2. What caused the downfall of General Freiherr Werner von Fritsch? -> Defeat on the battlefield
3. Which German Army general does Shirer describe as being deeply "under the spell of Hitler," and as having "hitched his star" to the Nazi Fuehrer? -> General Ludwig Beck
4. Second only to Hitler, which German Army officer became the head of the High Command of the Armed Forces (the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, or OKW)? -> Field Marshal Paul von Hindenburg
5. Which German Army officer does Shirer describe as "a man of astonishing gifts for a professional Army officer," with "a fine physique," "a striking handsomeness," and "a brilliant, inquisitive, splendidly balanced mind"? -> Count von Stauffenberg
