The Rocky Horror Picture Show Quiz True or False

1. Who yells at Frank, "You chew people up and then you spit them out again. I loved you. Do you hear me? I loved you! And what did it get me? Yeah, I'll tell you: a big nothing"? -> Columbia
2. Who says, "It's not easy having a good time. Even smiling makes my face ache and my children turn on me"? -> Frank
3. Who says, "Frank N Furter, it's all over. Your mission is a failure. Your lifestyle's too extreme. I'm your new commander. You now are my prisoner. We return to Transylvania. Prepare the transit beam"? -> Dracula
4. Who says, "Emotion […] is also a powerful and irrational master and from what Magenta and Columbia eagerly viewed on their television monitor there seemed little doubt that Janet was, indeed, its slave"? -> the criminologist
5. How does Brad mispronounce Janet's last name, which is Weiss? -> Vice
