Dr. Frank-N-Furter, A Scientist (Tim Curry)’s Timeline and Summary

Dr. Frank-N-Furter, A Scientist (Tim Curry)’s Timeline and Summary

  • Frank greets Brad and Janet with a dramatic entrance. He woke up like that: flawless.
  • After ordering Brad and Janet be stripped to their undies, Frank invites them up to his lab, to see what's on the slab.
  • What's on the slab is Rocky, a man Frank made to be his boy toy.
  • His previous boy toy, Eddie, crashes the party, and Frank kills Eddie with a pickax. Bye, Eddie.
  • That night, Frank seduces both Janet and Brad in separate bedrooms. The man has talent.
  • He later catches Janet with Rocky and becomes hurt and jealous.
  • Frank gathers everyone around the dinner table where he serves the main course: sautéed Eddie.
  • Everyone freaks out, so Frank turns them into statues with a device called the Medusa Transducer.
  • He de-statuifies them for a burlesque number that is equal parts racy and bittersweet.
  • Riff Raff is sick of Frank's hedonism and his whining, so he kills him. Bye, Frank.
  • Rocky, angry with grief, grabs Frank's body, climbs a tower, and dies. Frank wouldn't want to go out in a less-dramatic fashion.