Salomé Power Quotes

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Quote #4

THE VOICE OF JOKANAAN Behold the day is at hand, the day of the Lord, and I hear upon the mountains the feet of Him who shall be the Saviour of the world.

HEROD What does that mean? The Saviour of the world?

TIGELLINUS It is a title that Cæsar adopts. []

THE NAZARENE It was not concerning Cæsar that the prophet spake these words, sire.

HEROD How?—it was not concerning Cæsar?


HEROD Concerning whom then did he speak?

FIRST NAZARENE Concerning The Messiah who has come. (231-233, 236-241)

Here, the power of an earthly ruler is contrasted with that of a deity…and the deity wins out. Though Caesar may claim the title of Saviour, Jokanaan talks of a time when his power will be eclipsed.

Quote #5

HEROD What is this miracle of the daughter of Jairus?

FIRST NAZARENE The daughter of Jairus was dead. This Man raised her from the dead.

HEROD How! He raises people from the dead?

FIRST NAZARENE Yea, sire; He raiseth the dead.

HEROD I do not wish Him to do that. I forbid Him to do that. I suffer no man to raise the dead. This Man must be found and told that I forbid Him to raise the dead. Where is this Man at present? (255-259)

Herod is frightened by the idea that a man can bring the dead back—after all, it was an execution that brought him to power in the first place.

Quote #6

THE VOICE OF JOKANAAN Ah! The wanton one! The harlot! Ah! the daughter of Babylon with her golden eyes and her gilded eyelids! Thus saith the Lord God, Let there come up against her a multitude of men. Let the people take stones and stone her…

HERODIAS Command him to be silent!

THE VOICE OF JOKANAAN Let the captains of the hosts pierce her with their swords, let them crush her beneath their shields.

HERODIAS Nay, but it is infamous.

THE VOICE OF JOKANAAN It is thus that I will wipe out all wickedness from the earth, and that all women shall learn not to imitate her abominations. (266-270)

In order to cleanse the earth of sin, Jokanaan calls for an overwhelming show of force— not something you might expect the man who foresaw the coming of Jesus.