Shiloh Transformation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Recently Norma Jean has been cooking unusual foods—tacos, lasagna, Bombay chicken." (5.9)

Norma Jean's culinary experiments suggest she may be yearning for faraway places and/or an openness and curiosity about the world beyond Western Kentucky. Calgon, take her away!

Quote #5

"I feel eighteen again. I can't face that all over again." (7.29)

This is what Norma Jean says as she tries to explain to Leroy why she's leaving him. His being home again reminds her of the early days of their marriage, a time when she had no control over her life and did things to please her mother and her husband, but not herself. It was also a painful time, when she had to get married because she was pregnant…and then lost her baby to SIDS. Now she's choosing to grow up and take her destiny into her own hands. You. Go. Girl.