Ship Breaker Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It's a lot of damn money," he said. "The only reason you think you've got morals is because you don't need money the way regular people do." (16.27)

When Nita tells him how much she is worth and the situation with her father, Nailer sort of reconsiders his choice to save her. There are ways in which morality is a luxury.

Quote #8

"That woman is worth ten times whatever your wealthy father is worth. […]

"The wealthy measure everything with the weight of their money." Tool leaned close. "Sadna once risked herself and the rest of her crew to help me escape from an oil fire. She did not have to return, and she did not have to help lift an iron girder that I could not lift alone. Others urged her not to. It was foolhardy. And I, after all, was only half of a man." Tool regarded Nita steadily. "Your father commands fleets. And thousands of half-men, I am sure. But would he risk himself to save a single one?" (16.47-49)

Tool provides an example of how actions, not wealth, demonstrate the worth of a human. How should a person's worth be decided? Is life inherently worthy?

Quote #9

"Scientists created me from the genes of dogs and tigers and men and hyenas, but people always believe I am only their dog." (19.79)

Tools words imply that those who have created him—along with others in society—think that they own him. Despite being half human, they focus on the dog part instead.