Ship Breaker Morality and Ethics Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

But still, it didn't feel right. His dad had been crazy and destructive and if he was honest, downright evil. But now that he was dead, Nailer couldn't help remembering other times as well. (25.4)

After Nailer kills his father to save himself and Nita, he's almost overcome with guilt. As Sadna says, killing costs; even though Richard Lopez might not have been worth much as a human, Nailer still wonders if he did the right thing in taking his life.

Quote #11

"Tool said I was just like my dad when I pigstuck Blue Eyes—"

"You're not—"

"Maybe I am, right? I don't feel a thing. Not a damn thing. I was glad when I did it. And now I don't feel anything at all. I'm empty. Just empty."

"And that scares you."

"You said my dad didn't feel anything when he hurt people." (25.15-19)

As Nailer grapples with the fallout after killing his father, he worries that he, like his dad, lacks empathy for others, which can affect what he views as moral. He questions whether his means (killing his father) justify the end (survival.)