Shiver Chapter 31 Summary

How It All Goes Down

Sam - 53°F

  • Another school day, another day that Sam doesn't know what to do with himself. He goes to Beck's house again... and Beck pulls into the driveway while he's there. How serendipitous.
  • They have a brief reunion, and Beck gives Sam a cell phone so they can stay in touch.
  • Then something starts thumping in the van.
  • Even though the van's a-rockin', Sam goes a-knockin', and he finds three tied up people inside. They're turning into werewolves.
  • Beck tries to explain that they're going to need more wolves because this is his last year, but Sam is too angry with him to listen. He leaves.
  • That night, Sam wonders how it would have been if Grace was part of his wolf family. He also wants to tell her what Beck did, but Grace tells him it can wait until morning.