The Sign of the Beaver Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Matt was speechless. He had never dreamed that anything like this lay behind Attean's carefree life. He had never wondered about Attean's parents at all, only accepted without question that the boy followed his grandfather and obeyed him. (17.26)

Attean is a deeper character than even Matt realizes. He's fiercely loyal to his family and culture, and there's good reason for that: Remember what happened to Attean's parents?

Quote #8

Her eyes, as she looked at her grandson, were warm and bright. Matt was minded how his mother had often looked at him, pretending to he angry with him but not able to hide that she was mighty fond of him just the same. (19.21)

Love does that to people—especially parents and grandparents, it seems. It's hard to be angry for long when you love someone so much.

Quote #9

"He'll be here soon," Matt insisted. […] "If he couldn't come, he'd send someone to tell me. He'd find some way, no matter what happened. You don't know my pa." (21.22)

Here's a glimpse into the character of Matt's father—determined, loyal and loving. Hmmm… like father, like son?