The Sign of the Beaver Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Let me go on," he pleaded. "It's different from now on. Friday—that's what Robinson Crusoe named him—doesn't kneel anymore."

"Not slave?"

"No," Matt lied. "After that they get to be—well—companions. They share everything together." (9.2-4)

While Robinson Crusoe never sees his companion Friday as his equal, Matt and Attean truly become the kind of companions Matt lies about in this passage.

Quote #5

Matt licked his fingers. His resentment had vanished along with his hunger. "Golly," he said, "that was the best fish I ever ate."

"Good," said Attean. Across the fire he looked at Matt, and his eyes gleamed. He was laughing again, but somehow not with scorn. (10.35-36)

So Attean does have a soft spot deep down inside. All it took was a little compliment and a full belly to start winning him over. There's the secret, folks—now you know how to melt Attean.

Quote #6

Often Attean seemed in no hurry to leave when the morning's lesson was over. "Look see if catch rabbit," he might suggest, and together they would go out to check the snares. Or they would tramp along the creek to a good spot for fishing. (11.3)

Yay. Attean is warming up to this whole friendship thing, and though he may not be a talker, he certainly likes hanging out with Matt.